3D Week 1 - Boxes in Unreal Engine 4

Project 1 was to create a cube in Maya and throw it into UE4 to make a scene, then apply iterations of a master material to those shapes. I admit that I stumbled a bit out of the gate on this one, as it took me a pair of tries to properly get the cube into Unreal with the origin point in the center of the shape. Lesson learned though.

Next came the blocking out of the scene. Didn't have a clue what I was going to do at first but eventually I settled on a futuristic noodle bar in the spirit of the White Dragon from Blade Runner. With that in mind I hopped into the 3rd person template so I could test it out every once in a while. This came in pretty handy later on when I discovered the post processing effects were already placed in the map which was fun to toy around with. Might not have noticed it otherwise. 

Once I had the initial building blocked out, the whole scene felt kinda naked. Figured that diner could use a friend. A little while later, I realized that it was probably time to stop.

I didn't do that. I was slowly being consumed by the squares. Too much freedom.

Thankfully I was able to pull myself away for a while to come up with a master material and some instances. After watching a few videos online (and through a small amount of trial and error) I managed to come up with a pretty simple master to build off of. 

Once that was done, time to apply. Oh and I added lights too. In retrospect that should read "PotionFish". Rolls off the tongue way better.

This one below was actually taken from an earlier iteration, hence the orange material on the canopies and chairs. I liked the shot, though. On closer inspection you may spot the tile pattern in the floor of the kitchen.


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